So if you’re thinking of whether you upgrade or move over to this, definitely worth it. What I will tell you, you’re going to get 500 full power flashes out of this with the recycle time, this is what’s important, between a half second and one and a half second. At full power, one and a half second. We’re not using this at full power today. So we’re going to see that quarter second, half second recycle time. It’s going to be very, very quick. But the most important part in any of this, I already know, those of you watching will be like, “Well, I use this brand, I use that brand.” Congratulations on whatever brand you’re using. What you should care about is color.


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Let me tell you something here. Flashes, as they’re recycling and getting reused, the color temperature, there’s a variant to that and that should be important to you. If you’ve ever noticed when you’re sitting there editing your pictures, going from image to image and there seems like there’s a slight color shift because of the flash, Westcott has invested in making sure that every flash is within a variance, a very subtle variance. So you know you’re getting 5500 Kelvin, and as you go into post-production, that’s going to help you get every image looking the same as far as color’s concerned. And that should matter to you.

So now what I’m doing is I’ve got this set in manual mode, power of 1, and everything else is what I just showed you. So within two shots, I’m going to get dialed in here. So I usually elevate this light, put it a little higher. I want it firing down at her. So a little trick here for your assistants, just so you know, right,

because you could already see mom’s lights drift into the ground. So what I teach everybody, hold this, is use your finger and your finger will help you point that light where it needs to go.

So it might feel a little weird doing it that way, but it will help your assistants have a feel so that… You ever have those assistants where they’re lighting and then it’s drifting further and further towards the ground? 

I want this coming from just slightly off camera right there. All right, Heather, here we go. And now I should be somewhat dialed in. So my camera, I’m underexposed one stop. I’m shooting this at F/2 and now I’ve got this flash at a power of 1. So let’s see what this looks like here. And now she is immediately popping off this background. In just two frames on it looks absolutely incredible here. And she’s popping off that background. And I’m looking at it. She’s a little bright. So I’m already at a power of 1. So what I’m going to do here is adjust my ISO, having that power. And now I really like the way this is looking.

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